Thursday 31 March 2011

A Special Mission

Today, I had a special mission . I take something to headmistress . then headmistress take her lunch box out , call me help her take to canteen and " da bao" , then call "gong ren" take to her. I go to canteen , I say : " headmistress say da bao liao call gong ren take to her ..."         Aunty said : " Har , my gong ren all go away liao , can you help me take ? I muz "kan dian" "       I said : " Arhhhh....., Ok lar ......"
Then I rush to headmistress office , headmistress ask , " Eh , you again , not gong ren take meh ?"
I said :  Oh, Aunty say all gong ren go away liao , call me help..."
Headmistress ; Ok , Thank You Arh , Che Jien.... !"
Me : Huh .... Letihnya........( I Think )

Furthermore , I saw something special too .. Haha .. You will laugh when you see this ....
Today , when i take the luch box to canteen . ( at the stairs there ), i saw 007 and the tigeress lee ..... They both wear black shirts and red dress ..... The colours are same ! OMG ! But something is diferent .
See This :

007     Black shirts with batik              
           Simply red dress                                                

Tigeress Lee          Simply black shirts
                              Red dress with batik

Haha ~ ! Funny is it ?  black shirts and red dress are for "evil teachers" ...... So if you become a teacher when you grow up , not to wear black shirts and red dress , haha ~!~!    XD

Today is an interesting day , haha......
But I hate the people who let me scold  &^*$%^$ ..... She's a girl , i hate her ~! Always pull my hair when i am going upstairs !!! Always beat me ~~!!  Always bully me ~~!! Always laugh me ~~! And now , it's my turn to laugh her ~~!! HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH ~~~~~~ XD
And, Happy April Fool ~~!!( for 2 moro)

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